Starting University EEK

Well here I am, high school is finished, results are in and I am preparing to start my first year at University. WHAT HAVE I GOT MYSELF INTO!!! I feel like I spent the entirety of my life studying for this and now I actually have to do it. Like honestly! We have to work hard 24/7 at high school only to move on to more study which is more important and wait for it... you have to pay thousands of dollars for it?!!?!?? (Although luckily right now in New Zealand we get the first year free yay! But what am I going to do for the 4 years after that?!)

In all honesty, I am actually pretty excited to start Uni (btw I'm studying Engineering and Commerce) but the enrollment and setting up of the whole thing is reeeaaalllyy confusing. You would think that they would try to make it as simple as possible to enrol and choose courses etc. but let me tell you, that is not the case! It took me a solid 3 hours to sort out my courses because I literally had no clue which ones I was meant to pick for which semester and after I finally thought I had finished, big plot twist - I had enrolled in them all for the wrong degree? Like how is that even possible? 

But amidst all of this chaos, I felt a tinge of nostalgia. Usually, I am not an overly emotional person but at Christmas time my cousins and I were all talking about how we are all going to be at Uni or working soon and our lives will take us in opposite directions. I had literal tears in my eyes, who have I become? When I think about my mums family, she never spends Christmas with her cousins, in fact, we hardly ever see them because they all have their own families with their own Christmas' that they spend with them. So from now on, I (and my cousins) have decided to not let our lives pull us apart.

Anyway, Uni starts next month and I am lowkey scared that I will hate it and would have made a huge mistake and waste the first free year... but I am determined to get the most out of it. I am going to work super hard (if you can't tell by now I am one of those annoying people that don't know how to take it easy), I am going to try not to spend my entire student loan on food trucks and I am going to meet loads of new people, even though coming from an all-girls school I don't know how to talk to 3/4 of the people in my cohort (engineering is only 25% girls aaaaahhh). 

So please send me your best wishes and advice and surely we can make it through together!


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