Lush Cupcake Fresh Face Mask

I have used this mask for quite a long time now and I can assure you that it is really great. The pot that it comes in is a bit on the small side but because of it's thick consistency, a little goes a long way. This face mask really makes my skin soft and cleansed. I put it on just before I hop into the bath so that it has enough time to work it's magic! The smell of this Cupcake face mask is absolutely amazing, it looks and smells like chocolate cupcake batter and I am always so tempted to eat it! 

I really recommend this product if you have slightly oily skin like me or if you love the delicious smell of cupcakes. I use this face mask about once or twice a week and I really love it. The only downside is that when you take it off with a light coloured flannel it might stain it brown.  

I bought this product at my local lush shop and so far it has lasted me about four months. It isn't too pricey and it is a really great product. I haven't tried many other face masks, so if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments below. 



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